Proper name in the structure of a literary text

Автор: Kabatay Kyzy A.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Филологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 8 т.9, 2023 года.

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Proper names are considered within the framework of the macrotext on the example of the texts of modern authors. The role of poetonyms is revealed when working with the image of a hero: naming as an indicator of social status, self-perception of a name, a name in communicative situations, etc. Currently, there is an increase in interest in the study of onomastics, including literary onomastics. A work of art is a special area of the functioning of proper names: here the words correspond not only with the real world, but also with the created reality; not only with modern discourse, but also with the language of the work itself. In the text, onymic units establish associative links. Proper names are an important component in the system of means of artistic expression. There are not so many works devoted to the study of the language of modern prose. In the scientific literature, the proper name’s role in works of fiction has not been fully studied. The subject of this study is proper names in a literary text. The object is the proper names of a literary text in modern prose. The theoretical and methodological basis was the work of domestic and foreign linguists. In the analysis of practical material, a descriptive method was used, systematization of onomastic units was carried out, as well as a generalization regarding the binding role of these linguistic elements in a literary text. The name is the bearer of a certain meaning, which reflects the conceptual intent of the author. It has been established that the choice of proper names in an artwork is determined by the context and is subject to the author’s intention. Proper names play a particularly important role in the structure of a literary text, serving as a key for expressing the author’s creative individuality, principles, beliefs and attitude to the real world. If the writer successfully chooses a name for his hero, then such a name acquires a certain semantic and stylistic load and deepens the emotional and artistic impression of both this image and the whole work as a whole.


Artistic text, proper name, poetonym, onomasticon, character, secondary reality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14128686   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/93/37

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