Immunomodulatory properties of bambara groundnut condiment extract in diarrhoeal induced rats

Автор: Olanipekun O.T., Akinloye O.A., Ayanda O.E., Ugbaja R.N., Afolabi T.A.

Журнал: Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии @jspb

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.20, 2024 года.

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Functional foods optimize the immune system and prevent diseases which can lead to stress. In this work, authors investigated the immunomodulatory properties of bambara groundnut condiment extract, using leucocytes of diarrhoeal rats as probe. Wistar rats were sorted and divided into 5 groups by weight (n = 5). Rats were induced for diarrhoea using castor oil. Diarrhoeal rats were then treated as follows: Group 1 received 2.5 mg levamisole per kg body weight, groups 2, 3 and 4, received 100, 250, 500 mg of bambara groundnut condiment extract (BGCE) per kg body weight respectively; group 5 received 2.5 ml of 3% tween 80 per kg body weight. Following standard protocols, treated rats were assessed for immunoglobulins G and M, leucocyte mobilization, as well as primary and secondary antibody titre values. Attempt was also made to screen bambara groundnut condiment for phytochemicals, both qualitatively and quantitatively, following standard protocols. Obtained data were analysed by SPSS (version 20). Values were expressed as Mean ± S.E.M. Mean values were evaluated by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were separated by Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT). Differences were considered significant at p function show_abstract() { $('#abstract1').hide(); $('#abstract2').show(); $('#abstract_expand').hide(); }


Bambara groundnut, condiment, diarrhoea, immunomodulatory, phytochemicals

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IDR: 143183438

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