4 т.20, 2024 - Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии
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IDS: 143183317 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143183317
Содержание выпуска 4 т.20, 2024 Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии
Makeri H.K., Ayo J.O., Aluwong T., Minka N.S.
Taurine supplementation modulates circadian rhythms of heat-associated cytokines in male broiler chickens reared under hot-dry conditions
Hashim K.A., Badusha M.
Physico chemical factors influencing seaweed colonization in selected coastal areas of Kerala, India
Ibrahim F.O., Idowu A.A., Taiwo I.O., Adekola M.B., Towolawi A.T., Adesanya O.E.
Effects of varying concentrations of ethanol leaf extract of Paullinia pinnata on histopathology of Clarias gariepinus juveniles
Adesanya O.E., Idowu A.A., Alegbeleye W.O., Adekola M.B., Towolawi A.T., Ibrahim F.O.
Water quality parameters and histopathological changes in gills and liver of Clarias gariepinus juveniles exposed to ethanol leaf extract of Senna occidentalis
Garai U., Patra S.
Review of the effects of seed priming for improving seed germination, seedling establishment and yield on several pulse crops
Bocharin I.V., Guryanov M.S., Martuseivch A.K.
Individual features of vegetative support for student-athletes of various specializations
Sinoriya Sh.K., Singh K.
Variations in hematological parameters during the treatment of carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity with three different polyherbal formulations
Traore, Diakite M., Diarra S., Traore M., Diawara M.O., Sissoko S., Traore B.M., Samake M., Sidibe A.
Effects of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, gibberellic acid and potassium nitrate on the development of tangelo orlando (citrusxtangelo) in the Sudano-Sahelian area in Mali
Fedorin D.N., Khomutova A.E., Eprintsev A.T.
Participation of MIR775A in post-transcriptional regulation glycerol-3-phosphatacyltransferases in corn leaves under hypoxia
Nayagam A.A.J., Sagayaraj Ja.V.
Effect of Pergularia daemia forsk. aqueous extract in pentylenetetrazole-induced Wistar albino rats antiseizure study
Gunasekaran Sh., Nayagam A.A.J., Gnanasekaran J., Kesavan K., Govindasamy H.
In vitro antidiabetic activity of ethanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis linn
Anisha, Singh T.
Determination of median lethal dose of carbamate insecticides bendiocarb and carbaryl in garden lizard, calotes versicolor
Jawhar M., Al-shehadah E.
Expression of TDM resistance-linked ABC1 and ABC2 transporters in virulent and avirulent Cochliobolus sativus pathotypes
Giri Sh.G., Kumar S.
Meditation as a tool for stress reduction and cardiovascular health improvement in higher education: a quantitative study
Nagalakshmi R., Anand S.P.
Phytochemical screening, functional group identification and evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of the medicinal shrub - Justicia adhatoda L
Alomar M., Zarkawi M.
Changes in haematological, cholesterol and cortisol values in Syrian Awassi rams and ewes during winter and summer seasons
Arokina N.K.
Influence of slavinorm on resuscitation of rats cardiorespiratory functions under deep hypothermia
Olanipekun O.T., Akinloye O.A., Ayanda O.E., Ugbaja R.N., Afolabi T.A.
Immunomodulatory properties of bambara groundnut condiment extract in diarrhoeal induced rats
Lazutkin A.N.
Physiological and biochemical parameters of the grey red-backed vole (Craseomys rufocanus) population in the Northern Priokhotye at different population levels
Abirami K., Vikrant
Somatic embryogenesis, plantlet regeneration and in vitro flowering from cotyledon culture in a legume oil crop, peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under NaCl-stress conditions
Grodetskaya T.A., Evlakov P.M., Fedorovа O.A., Zhuzhukin K.V.
Expression of resistance genes in breeding valuable genotypes of pine and fast-growing species of birch and poplar under drought
Korotaeva N.Е., Shmakov V.N., Pyatrikas D.V.
The influence of low temperature on the scots pine callus culture
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