Immunomodulators in the treatment of chronic recurrent cystitis in women

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Introduction. Chronic recurrent cystitis (CRC) is one of the most common urological diseases in women. Given the proven role of immune disorders in the development of chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs), insufficient effectiveness of antibacterial therapy, the risk of selection of resistant strains of microorganisms, the advisability of using immunomodulators is justified. The purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of the immunomodulatory drug Galavit' in the complex therapy of patients with CRC.

Galavit®, chronic recurrent cystitis, immunomodulator, treatment, prevention recurrence cystitis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142243271   |   DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2024-17-3-162-169

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