Improved Image Retrieval with Color and Angle Representation
Автор: Hadi A. Alnabriss, Ibrahim S. I. Abuhaiba
Журнал: International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS) @ijitcs
Статья в выпуске: 6 Vol. 6, 2014 года.
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In this research, new ideas are proposed to enhance content-based image retrieval applications by representing colored images in terms of its colors and angles as a histogram describing the number of pixels with particular color located in specific angle, then similarity is measured between the two represented histograms. The color quantization technique is a crucial stage in the CBIR system process, we made comparisons between the uniform and the non-uniform color quantization techniques, and then according to our results we used the non-uniform technique which showed higher efficiency. In our tests we used the Corel-1000 images database in addition to a Matlab code, we compared our results with other approaches like Fuzzy Club, IRM, Geometric Histogram, Signature Based CBIR and Modified ERBIR, and our proposed technique showed high retrieving precision ratios compared to the other techniques.
Content Based Image Retrieval, Image Processing, Color and Angle Representation, Non-Uniform Color Quantization
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 15012107
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