In vitro antidiabetic activity of ethanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis linn
Автор: Gunasekaran Sh., Nayagam A.A.J., Gnanasekaran J., Kesavan K., Govindasamy H.
Журнал: Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии @jspb
Статья в выпуске: 4 т.20, 2024 года.
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Objective: To investigate the antidiabetic potential of ethanoilc extract of Amaranthus viridis Linn. in vitro assays. Methods: Ethanolic extract of aerial parts of Amaranthus viridis Linn. was extracted and tested for presence of phytochemical constituents, a-amylase inhibitory activity, determination of glucose adsorption and inhibition of glucose diffusion using dialysis membrane done by plant extracts. Results: Presence of Flavonoids, alkaloids, sugars, quinones, tannins, terpenes, coumarin and phenols.were identified in the extract. The results of in vitro antidiabetic assays showed moderate activity of a-amylase inhibitory activity with increase in the percentage inhibition of alpha amylase enzyme in a dose dependent manner. The IC50 value was found to be 155.60 ^g. The adsorption of glucose by the plant extract was increased remarkably with an increase in glucose concentration. The rate of glucose diffusion was found to increase with time from 30 -180 min, and the plant extract demonstrated significant inhibitory effects on movement of glucose into external solution across the dialysis membrane and compared to control. Conclusion: The antidiabetic effect of aqueous extract of Amaranthus viridis Linn. is mediated by increasing glucose adsorption, decreasing glucose diffusion rate and moderately inhibiting the alpha amylase enzyme thereby exhibiting the potential antidiabetic effect revealed by in vitro models. These findings suggest that the plant may be a potential source for the development of new oral hypoglycemic agent.
Diabetes mellitus, alpha amylase, glucose adsorption, gdri
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IDR: 143183430
Список литературы In vitro antidiabetic activity of ethanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis linn
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