Inclusive tourism in Russia: characteristics of the current state

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In the modern world, attention to the problems and interests of people with disabilities has become an important part of the social and economic policies of various states. In everyday life, people with disabilities face numerous barriers related to access to infrastructure, services, and products. All these obstacles prevent them from being active members of society. Inclusive tourism should be considered one of the promising areas for improving the quality of life, social and psychological adaptation and rehabilitation, providing full-fledged recreation for disabled people and people with disabilities. The relevance of the research topic is confirmed by the analysis of the latest statistical data on the number of disabled people in the world and the Russian Federation. The concept of "inclusive tourism" is not an unambiguous question, which is proved by the presence of many definitions and a number of synonymous terms that are given in the article. The author identifies various categories of the low-mobility population and people with disabilities who need barrier-free tourism services and an accessible environment. The most important factor in the development of any direction in tourism is the level and content of its regulatory and legal regulation. In this regard, the article examines the international legal aspects of liability, as well as the Russian legislative framework for the observance of the rights of persons with disabilities and regulatory documents defining the specifics of the provision of services to these categories of consumers. The analysis of publication activity on the topic of inclusive tourism is given, which allows us to conclude about the degree of interest in it in the scientific community as a reflection of attention to this problem from the authorities and society. The analysis of the current situation of the development of inclusive tourism in the Russian Federation highlights positive results, examples of successful practices and business ideas. The main problems and obstacles in this process are formulated: the lack of information, infrastructure and financial accessibility.


Inclusion, inclusive tourism, barrier-free tourism, accessible environment, people with disabilities, disabled people, people with limited mobility, international and Russian regulatory framework, Russian scientific publications, criteria for assessing the state of inclusive tourism, organization of inclusive tours, problems in the development of inclusive tourism in Russia


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IDR: 140297105   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7811126

Список литературы Inclusive tourism in Russia: characteristics of the current state

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