Industry of the Republic of Belarus: problems of social and economic security

Автор: Shvaiba Dzmitry

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 9 т.4, 2018 года.

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The article identifies 4 groups of economic entities, which are the basic objects of influence in the industrial sphere. Their choice is made on the basis of the presented indicators: the vector for the implementation of the domestic market, the ability to expand the scope of implementation of the state financial and economic interests, the orientation of production to the market situation, the use of high-quality (“developed”) resources and the ability to produce a product with high added value, profitability of production and the ability to guarantee progressive development on the financial and economic basis of the country. Apart from this, the formation of the mechanism and methods of state support of economic entities showed that the implementation of priority financial and economic interest is dependent on foreign investments. The provisions of the methodological approach adopted in the industry of the Republic of Belarus to the selection of state support facilities are consistent with the previously mentioned fact that it does not take into account the probability of multidirectional sectoral values and priority financial and economic interests. These results make it possible to conclude that such a methodological approach does not take into account the situation when the export-oriented unit has the ability to be unprofitable. This situation is not excluded. This is justified by the foreign economic specifics, according to which to consolidate the positions of economic entities on the external perimeter will need to take into account more points than on the internal. For example, the stability of the currency, the dynamics of the market rate of foreign monetary units, the specifics of the country's exchange rate policy, the peculiarities of the tax legislation of other countries where products are sold, etc. Means that the argument for the choice of priority financial and economic interests and the factor of the performance of the system of ensuring socio-economic security of the industrial sector of the Republic of Belarus in the vector of industry values without taking into account the rationality of the structure of these interests cannot be considered complete and exhaustive.


Socio-economic security, government, society, enterprise, employee, threat, security, interests, economics, analysis, system

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14112264   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1418784

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