Inflationary models based on generalized exact cosmological solutions

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This paper proposes a method for constructing an unlimited number of exact solutions to the equations of cosmological dynamics for the case of Einstein gravity and the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity. The exact cosmological solutions obtained within the framework of this approach imply complex types of evolution of the scalar field and the dynamics of the expansion of the universe. As an example, solutions to the equations of cosmological dynamics in the form of series are considered, each term of which and the entire series are exact solutions. It is shown that with a certain choice of parameters, the solutions obtained correspond to the correct dynamics of the expansion of the universe at various stages of its evolution


Teleparallel gravity, general relativity, scalar fields, exact solutions

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IDR: 142240473   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2023.3-4.93-98

Список литературы Inflationary models based on generalized exact cosmological solutions

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