Influence of electrostatic field on low-temperature plasma

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The article is devoted to analyzing of the theoretical and practical study of the nature of the influence of electrostatic field in low-temperature plasma as a source of electrostatic field acts converter, followed by the application of this phenomenon in everyday life, using a more powerful device Tesla generator. Conducted theoretical calculations, which give an answer to the question: Is it possible to put out the fire using the electrostatic field? The description of technology of application of this phenomenon in the real world.

Electrostatic field, low-temperature plasma, tesla generator, converter, candle

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IDR: 170184154

Список литературы Influence of electrostatic field on low-temperature plasma

  • Hitrin L.N. Combustion and explosion / L.N. Hitrin.- M.: Univ. University Press, 1957. - 452 p.
  • Rozhansky V.A. Plasma theory: a tutorial / V.A.Rozhanskiy. - SPB:. Lan, 2012.-320 p.
  • Mudrov A.E. Numerical methods for the PC in the languages BASIC, FORTRAN and Pascal / A.E. Mudrov.- Tomsk: MP "RASCO", 1991. 272 p.
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