Informational system of personnel stimulation at a higher educational institution

Автор: Rochev Konstantin Vasilievich

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Управление персоналом вуза

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2015 года.

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The aim of the article is to describe the results of the experiment on developing and implementing informational system of personnel stimulation for those staff members not involved in teaching. The article gives a review of a current situation in the field of labor stimulation at higher educational institutions, describes expert evaluation of performance criteria and their groups by heads of departments. This information was processed using DELPHI method. The article suggests informational system for personnel activity monitoring, describes its algorithm and illustrates data flows with the help of DFD diagrams. Statistical analysis of this system implementation is also presented. The outcome of the work is the informational system of personnel stimulation, set of performance criteria and evaluation of its influence on the work of personnel (for example during the first 9 months of system implementation activity of advanced personnel members increased 67%). Further areas for research are: more detailed analysis of relation between the system and form of effective contract, upgrading the list of personnel performance criteria (mainly according to the specific features of the departments), improvement of personnel attestation system and career promotion schemes, development of a subsystem for executive performance evaluation. Introduction of a system is possible at every higher educational institution provided it has additional stimulation funds for personnel not involved into teaching activities. Support of the head of the higher educational institution is necessary for introduction of such systems. The importance of the article is in the suggested model of personnel activity evaluation which takes into consideration achievements and faults of staff members not involved in teaching during a certain time period. That would allow for creating rating list and allocating quarterly stimulating bonuses on the basis of rating evaluation. The article suggests information system for transparent calculation of stimulating bonuses. The article describes decomposition of personnel labor activities which singles out 5 areas: security and fire safety; labor discipline; performance discipline; intensive work; and work quality. The article gives a list of possible evaluation criteria including 43 universal criteria not related to activity type and 70 activity-specific criteria. The article is of interest for vice-rectors on economics and those responsible for personnel stimulation at higher educational institutions (and other budget organizations).


Material stimulation, automatized system of performance evaluation, effective contract, критерии оценки работы сотрудников (kpi), nsot, kpi

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142140206

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