Information and digital technologies in the professional education of future teachers

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Information, communication and digital technologies are increasingly influencing all spheres of life in human society, including the education system. The relevance of the research topic is emphasized by the update of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education and the tasks outlined by the President of Russia in his annual message to the Federal Assembly. An important role in the implementation of these provisions is played by the teacher, whose professional development, his practice-oriented activities during the period of a year-long internship at school based on the development of functional literacy contributes to the high-quality training of a specialist. When restructuring the educational process from a face-to-face to an online format based on the use of the capabilities of the most common Internet services and information and digital technologies, the authors introduced a set of tasks for a year-long practical training and course design. The successful testing of the methodology proposed by the authors was the project of the winning student of the “Pedagogical Debut 2024” competition, based on the practice-oriented aspect of the formation of functional literacy of school students through interdisciplinary synthesis, the use of elements of design and research activity in the study of bony fish (morphological, anatomical, biological features of the ichtheofauna Volga). The most effective seems to be the use of both traditional and new forms and means of teaching biology (electronic didactic material, media resources, virtual excursions, computer workshops).


Professional training, higher education, information and digital technologies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328954   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-62-69

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