Injection mortars for road pavement subgrade fixing

Автор: Fediuk R.S., Berdnikov A.A., Shilonosov A.V., Panarin I.I., Fediuk G.R.

Журнал: Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений @unistroy

Статья в выпуске: 3 (112), 2024 года.

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The object of research is a range of injection mortars (IM) based on composite binders, crushed to Ssp = 500 m2/kg, obtained using CEM I 42.5 N, partially replaced by technogenic resources with the addition of superplasticizer Polyplast PFK-NLM. The purpose of this work is development and comprehensive research of injection mortars for road pavement bases. The tasks for achieving the set purpose are designing the composition of IMs, studying their fresh and physical-mechanical properties, as well as the performances of the fixed bases.

Concrete, mortar, injection, road, strength, pavement, base, subgrade, fixing

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IDR: 143183405   |   DOI: 10.4123/CUBS.112.6

Список литературы Injection mortars for road pavement subgrade fixing

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