Innovative regional development: needs for diversified economic growth of Siberia under the conditions of reindustrialization

Автор: Sumina E.V., Zyablikov D.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2015 года.

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The article investigates the essence and the priority of economy reindustrialization in Siberia taking into accounts the needs and characteristics of the innovation development of raw materials regions. The issue of developing the theoretical approaches to the formation of innovative regional development strategy is in the foreground, taking into account technological modernization priorities in Siberia. The aim of the given work is to determine the role of the rocket and space industry in the sectoral structure of Siberian regions as an essential component of the military-industrial complex (MIC) that is traditionally prioritized and has the potential for industrial growth to diversify the economy. We have analyzed the major milestones, the role and the problems of the defense industry in the USSR and the situation in modern Russia. Moreover, we have defined the role of the rocket and space industry in the MIC structure and engineering in the domestic economy, highlighted problems and development targets. Methodological basis of research and preparation of this work involves the fundamental researches of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of regional economy, innovation development and economic theory. The article gives the analysis of the reindustrialization experience in Japan and in other countries. It presents the definition of innovative development and innovation in the context of the key role of technological core of the regional systems development. Besides, the work describes the essence and direction of the economy diversification in the reindustrialization process of Siberia and a number of important aspects and problems of smoothing intraregional social and economic differences with diversification opportunities. The article presents the investment indices in technological innovation and modernization initiatives in major industries of Krasnoyarsk region, as well as the comparative evaluation with other regions of the Siberian Federal District (SFD). The analysis defines the role of the defense industry sectors in the innovative economy development of Siberia and their influence on the processes of new industrialization in other branches. In addition our task was to determine the priorities and challenges of innovative development and the economy diversification in Siberia, the main directions of the administration activities. That allows to solve the problems of regional innovative development and the industry modernization.


Innovative development, reindustrialization, regional economy diversification, military-industrial complex (mic)

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IDR: 148177449

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