Foreign language: linguodidactic problems of learning

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Today linguodidactic problems in teaching foreign languages is the most important aspect in the light of the processes of solving a number of methodological issues. In addition, one of the problems of linguodidactic is the weak level of professional training of teachers (lectures) of foreign languages, as well as the unwillingness to abandon the habits of organizing the educational process that have taken root in the experience of teachers, their inability correlate methodological systems with specific learning conditions. Does this mean that it is the teacher who is entrusted with the freedom to choose a textbook and a certain methodological system? The article raises related issues and their solutions.


Linguodidactic problems, methodological systems, teaching aids, choice of teacher, activation of the pedagogical process

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207004   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-4-169-172

Статья научная