Institutes integrated interdiscinary research as a tool of intensification of research activities of the modern university

Автор: Butvilo Andrej Izydorovich, Korzhov Sergej Timofeevich, Krivonozhenko Alexander Fedorovich, Syunyov Vladimir Sergeevitch

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Управление исследованиями и инновациями

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2015 года.

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The article analyzes the experience of creating the institute s in interdisciplinary studies (ICMI). They were established in PetrSU within the framework of realization of Program of strategic development of the University for 2012-2016. ICMI became the organizational form, which allowed to achieve an organic combination of classical organizational structure of the University innovative cluster approach. They provided organizational, material, financial and personnel conditions for effective research work. New organizational forms of scientific activity contribute to the increase of publication activity, success in attracting additional sources of research funding, the successful implementation of the state assignment of the Ministry of education and science in the sphere of scientific activity. ICMI allowed for concentrating available resources on the most promising, interdisciplinary research, addressing both fundamental and applied scientific problems, allowing the University to strengthen its position as one of the leading research centers of the European North of Russia and northwestern Federal district. Institutes that integrated interdis ciplinary research are considered in the article as an innovative method of management of scientific-research work at the University. This experience can be useful for modelling the development of science at other universities in Russia.


Petrozavodsk state university, science, interdisciplinary research, program of strategic development

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IDR: 142140234

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