Integration mechanisms for immigrants in Norway and Russia: a comparative analysis

Автор: Marina M. Panikar, Flera Kh. Sokolova, Alexander E. Shaparov, Oleg V. Zolotarev, Vladimir M. Kapitsyn

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Northern and arctic societies

Статья в выпуске: 35, 2019 года.

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An essential component in the structure of the immigration policy of developed countries is the integration of migrants. The integration policy for migrants is aimed at solving the issues of adaptation, inculturation, labor mobility, naturalization, and political participation. Integration is a reciprocal process which involves the interaction of migrants and the host society. The integration policy goal is the formation of migrants' qualities and competencies that allow them to participate in the economic, social, political, and spiritual spheres of the recipient country. The failure of integration policies inevitably increases the conflict potential of the host society, leads to social exclusion, marginalization of migrants, and an increase in xenophobia. The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the integration policy of the two Northern states — Norway and Russia. Norway has extensive experience in implementing the integration policy, occupies a leading position in the index of integration of migrants MIPEX. Russia has extensive experience in the incorporation of various ethnic groups into a national state, but the state has long ignored the solution of issues of integration and adaptation of migrants. The study aims to analyze national models and practices of integration and adaptation of migrants. The research methodology is linked to the methods of demography, sociology, political science, law, and statistics. For the comparative analysis of the immigration policies of Norway and Russia, a set of indicators reflecting the quality and status of the integration policy, MIPEX (labor market, family reunification, long-term stay, political participation, protection against discrimination, naturalization) was applied. It is concluded that the policy of integration in Russia should have different objects of regulation, be differentiated by goals and objectives.


Immigration policy, integration of migrants, naturalization, Russia, Norway

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148318478   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2221-2698.2019.35.119

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