The integrative and developmental approach as a factor of development of professional competency of a specialist of physical culture

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As shown in several studies today the integrative and developmental approach is an important methodological regulator, according to which the development of professional competency of a specialist of physical culture is revealed in the logic of his career. The article notes that this approach actualizes a conscious attitude of a specialist towards his own professional movement, provides satisfaction with work, increases status and contributes to the successful self-actualization. In the process of the practical work the content characteristics of the integrative and developmental approach are specified, which are: integration links of psycho-pedagogical, cultural, scientific training of a specialist of professional physical education; the development of integrative form of self-organization as a subject of teaching and development, that is professional competency. Elaborate didactic model of development of professional competency demonstrates the orientation of individual career paths based on the active involvement of a specialist in the analysis and generalization of achievements of success in the profession.


Approach, integrative and developmental, factor, physical education, professional competency, specialist of physical culture

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IDR: 14240079   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-4-20-34

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