An interactive application implementing the confident judgments method on a mass software platform
Автор: Smirnov S.V.
Журнал: Онтология проектирования @ontology-of-designing
Рубрика: Методы и технологии принятия решений
Статья в выпуске: 4 (54) т.14, 2024 года.
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The article examines the functionality and architecture of an interactive application designed to support multi-criteria decision-making using S.A. Piyavsky's confident judgment method. It provides a description of key components of this method essential for presenting the topic in a computer-oriented format for data and knowledge representation. The application stores and provides access to a bank of universal importance coefficients for specific criteria and serves as the core of an information methodology for decision-making based on the confident judgment method. This methodology includes the following stages: compiling a list of alternative solutions with evaluations by a set of specific quantitative criteria; establishing a selection policy that orders criteria by importance for the decision-maker; normalizing the multi-criteria problem statement in line with a foundational optimization model; evaluating each alternative solution within this model; and selecting the optimal alternatives. The application automatically coordinates the creation and editing of the list of alternative solutions according to variation boundaries set by the selection policy, integrating all solution stages with user feedback. The application’s functionality is represented by a diagram linking the main activities and their outcomes, along with a UML diagram of application use cases. The architecture of the application is presented as a mind map. The application is implemented on the Excel platform using VBA programming language, chosen to ensure accessibility and support the development of advanced multi-criteria decision-making methods for a broad user base who use Excel in their professional work.
Multi-criteria decisions, confident judgment method, interactive application architecture, mass software platform
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170207434 | DOI: 10.18287/2223-9537-2024-14-4-582-594