Investment in the modernization of water supply and sewerage facilities based on social and economic partnership in the municipality

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The article considers the problem of coordinating the economic interests of the state, the population and resource-supplying enterprises in investing in the modernization of the water supply and sewerage sector. The main problems of the water supply and sewerage sector are high physical deterioration, exceeding 70%, and insufficient funding for the modernization of this sector by the state, municipalities and private concessionaires. These problems lead to poor quality of the water supplied and high utility bills. To solve these problems, the authors propose social and economic partnership as a promising form of mutually beneficial investment instead of concessions. The proposed organizational and economic mechanism for such cooperation provides for the investment and management activity of the population in this process. At the same time, government financial support is needed for long-term public investment. The public investment will be recouped from tariff savings over the period of the modernization project. Social and economic partnership will provide the necessary funding for the comprehensive modernization of the water supply and sewerage sector using advanced trenchless technologies. As a result, the quality of public utilities will improve and tariffs will decrease in the interests of the social and economic development of municipalities.


Investment, modernization, water supply and sewerage, public utilities, tariffs, social and economic partnership, municipality

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IDR: 140297107   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7811027

Список литературы Investment in the modernization of water supply and sewerage facilities based on social and economic partnership in the municipality

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