Artificial intelligence in banks: first results, obstacles and risks

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The use of artificial intelligence is becoming one of the trends in the development of the financial industry. Many companies have already mastered the first possibilities of artificial intelligence and are now looking for new ways to use this technology. The article analyzes the current state, development trends, prospects, and risks of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into the processes of Russian banks. The dynamics of the Russian market for artificial intelligence technologies in 2022 is presented, examples of practical business solutions using these technologies in marketing are given, and their advantages and disadvantages are shown. The purpose of the article is to identify the risks and prospects for the development of artificial intelligence technologies in the banking sector based on an assessment of the current results of the use of this technology in banks and the opinions of their customers. Based on the author’s survey of respondents, a study of attitudes toward such changes was conducted. The survey results showed that the younger generation is ready to interact with artificial intelligence systems, however, as long as there is distrust of solutions and products offered on their basis. The first results of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into business processes are presented in the example of Sberbank, which, being the largest Russian bank, is actively developing and implementing this technology into its systems and products. Thus, the scope of application of artificial intelligence will expand and capture new directions, facilitating time-consuming and routine tasks for personnel. Companies and banks without the introduction of artificial intelligence in business processes may lose their competitiveness in the future.


Artificial intelligence, neural networks, digital technologies, banking marketing, information technology, artificial intelligence technologies, personal data protection

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145177   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2023.4.8

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