The use of digital technologies in the implementation of distance learning at the university

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The article discusses the features of distance learning at the university. The positive influence of digital technologies on the process of modernization of domestic education, on the personification of learning, on the nature of interaction between participants in the educational process is determined. The results of the survey are presented, the purpose of which was to study the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the educational process in the implementation of distance learning, as well as to find out the opinion of students about the features of the educational process during the implementation of distance learning. Most students note that they have adapted well to the conditions of distance learning at the university and are satisfied with the organization of the educational process. In the educational process, the following digital technologies are used to conduct classes: the BigBlueButton webinar system, the Zoom service, Jamboard, YouTube, Slido, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, programs for creating presentations. In the course of the study, positive and negative characteristics of distance learning were identified, data were obtained confirming the influence of distance learning on the well-being of respondents and the relationships of the team. The article notes that distance learning stimulates the development and transformation of the educational process, encourages finding and using new learning tools and technologies.


Distance learning, educational process, e-learning, digital technologies, higher education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148326104   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-89-12-19

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