Use of the method of Eduard de Bono's "six hats of thinking" on additional classes of literature in high school (on the example of work with E.-E. Schmitt's "Noah's children")

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Methodical technique of "six hats" is an effective means of formation of key competences: 1) educational and informative: directed at readiness for solution of the problem, when the child analyzes the given task (the color of the hat points to it) and develops an algorithm for its solution; 2) technological: when the success of the school student in many respects depends on accurate observance of the instruction (for example, in the "black" hat we only focus attention on minuses, ignoring any pluses; in the "white" hat we consider the facts, figures, without emotions and value judgment, etc.); 3) axiological and semantic: directed at readiness for self-education, when the pupil himself carries out information search of the necessary material (preliminary homework for independent acquaintance with the technique of "six hats"); 4) informational: directed at formation and development of approaches to work with information: ability to realize need for information, ability to develop information search strategies, ability to systematize, process and reproduce information, ability to synthesize the existing information, creating new knowledge on its basis; 5) communicative: directed at readiness for social interaction, when school students interact with each other in a group and in a civilized way argue their point of view.


Theory and methods of teaching literature, methodical technique of "six hats", formation of key competences

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IDR: 148102406

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