The use of non-traditional raw materials in raw gingerbread technology

Автор: Sanzharovskaya N.S., Sokol N.V., Khrapko O.P.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2018 года.

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The possibility of expansion of the range of flour confectionery is shown in the study and the expedi-ency of production of raw gingerbreads enriched with micronutrients due to the introduction to the recipe of oat flour and crushed sesame seeds was proved. The purpose of the researches was the development of recipes of enriched raw gingerbreads. The objects of researches were samples of raw gingerbreads with prescription components: oat flour and crushed ses-ame seeds in various dosages. At the first stage of researches basic compounding of raw ginger breads modeling was carried out. For this purpose optimum ratio of brought components was defined. The oat flour was brought in number of 15; 20; 25; 30 % of the lump of composite mix, sesame added as thin crushed powder in the quantity of 1; 2; 2,5; 3 %. Mix-ing of wheat flour and brought additives carried out with use of a sifter allowing receiving homogeneous mass. When carrying out the experiment for compari-son of the results of the research made for ‘Simfero-polsky’ gingerbreads without any change of the reci-pe (control). Option 1 - in a standard recipe 15 % of wheat flour was replaced by oat, and added 1 % of crushed sesame seeds. Option 2 - the share of oat flour was increased to 20 %, sesame seeds - up to 2 %. Option 3 - the dosage of oat flour in the option made 25 %, sesame seeds - 2.5 %. Option 4 - the share of oat flour in the sample was increased to 30 %, sesame seeds - up to 3 %. The received samples of gingerbreads were analyzed on physical and chemical and organoleptic indicators. The best indi-cators of quality had products of option 2. The recipe of ‘Surprise’ gingerbreads was developed. In proto-types of gingerbreads the maintenance of such min-eral elements as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, was much higher, than in control sample. Also they differed in higher content of polynonsaturated fatty acids, food fibers that considerably raises their nutrition value.


Raw gingerbread, oat flour, sesame seeds, quality, recipe, nutritional value

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IDR: 140224301

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