Using mind-mappings applications via creation mind-cards for development students logical techniques in biology

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There are some professional competitions, which should be form for students according to educational program of biology and federal governmental educational standard requirements: the ability to explain biology role in scientific worldview, the contribution of biology theory in formation modern scientific word; solve biology problems; describe features of biology objects and compare them and analyze. The analysis of research showed that the main focus is given to subject knowledges, but the main mistake in solving professional problems is inability to control its activities. According to research, the level of development logical techniques is low. Thus, teachers should not only explain new material, but teach of logical thinking. Students who possess these skills will be competitively, capable intellectually educated and they learn to effectively apply knowledge and skills in their life ana profession. The aim of the article is to show the methodic of development logical thinking in lerning biology via innovative technologies. The study concluded that innovative modern new technologies should be used at lessons. The article summarize new material on the method of using new innovative technologies for development logical techniques.


Mind meister, knowledge base builder

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IDR: 148314413   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-75-69-74

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