Using social media and online platforms to build an HR brand

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The social environment is almost always considered as a set of material, economic, political and spiritual conditions for the existence of a person, social groups of the population. However, the social environment is not homogeneous and solves both general and particular problems due to modern challenges of social development. Changes in the technical and technological structure of enterprises and organizations, the formation of intra-production relations and a culture of personnel behavior presupposes paying attention to the potential for advanced self-development of a person. The article attempts to focus on the growing role of the social environment in determining and self-development of a person's potential, adequate to the goals and objectives of social development.


Social environment, self-development, potential, person, self-actualization, public relations, consciousness, social behavior, social interest, competencies, social expectations

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240652   |   DOI: 10.24412/1994-3776-2023-4-68-73

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