The use of modern facilities for freezing wax substances

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The basic directions of use, frozen vegetable oil, an analysis of markets. Analyzed trends in the development of cryogenic freezing. The urgency of developing energy efficient cryogenic devices. Integrated approach to the development of competitive domestic technologies and equipment for cryogenic freezing of vegetable oils is to use effective and innovative cooling techniques, process intensification, reduction of specific energy consumption and, consequently, reducing the cost of production in achieving high quality performance. The advantages of using an inert gas vapor as an alternative direction for existing equipment freezing wax-like substances using brine or water cooling. The investigations of cryogenic freezing using nitrogen vapor. Scientifically confirmed that oil bubbling nitrogen vapor layer, helps to increase the cooling capacity due to the thermal capacity and significantly reduces the processing time. Variants of using cryogenic coolant in the chiller plant. The optimal thermal, geometric and hydrodynamic modes. The ways to improve energy efficiency cryogenic apparatus using cryogenic coolant. The results will produce engineering calculations and design of freezing progressive installations with different technological modes. The conditions for cooling food liquids by bubbling with possibility of integration of physical and chemical characteristics of the cooled product. Cryogenic unit designed for continuous freezing of vegetable oils increased efficiency to the process of automatic control. Confirmed the economic efficiency of cleaning oils from impurities in continuous cryogenic apparatus by reducing the amount of equipment on similar processes in the preparation of the final product with a high degree of purification.


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IDR: 14040244

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