Using the technique of "infecting" internal visions (visualization) as a basis for successful teacher communication

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Human society is built on communication. Everyone can speak, but not everyone can successfully speak in front of an audience. In the process of public speaking, the speaker has to solve many important tasks simultaneously: to monitor his speech content, to maintain contact with the audience, to manage his body, voice and emotions. A real speaker must know the most advanced methods of constructing speech, be able to express their thoughts clearly and build them in an exact sequence, be convincing, be able to speak concisely, impressively, figuratively. He must be able to attract attention with his appearance, his natural abilities, and the way he speaks and holds himself. For teachers, communication is not only a need and necessity, but also a tool, the main professional tool, and communication skills, knowledge of the basic provisions of the theory of communication, along with special abilities, form the basis of professional competence. The performance should be the work of art that affects the feelings of listeners and their consciousness. To this end, the performances use the technique of "infection" with internal visions (visualization), which is understood as the ability to use vivid images in speech that make the subject of speech brighter, more tangible, and more understandable to convey the idea to the listener. Drawing pictures in the minds of listeners, creating bright and living images using descriptions, metaphors, comparisons, analogies, etc., allows you to make a much greater impact on the audience.


Public speech, pedagogical rhetoric, communicative competence, communication, technique of

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IDR: 148314420   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2021-23-76-14-17

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