The use of the potential of art and exhibition space, and place in the activities of the gallery of the student center (Zagreb, Croatia)

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The concepts of „space“ and „place“ are interesting and relevant objects of research in many humanities and social sciences, like philosophy, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, art history, curatorial practice and other. The article analyzes this concept in the field of art history and curatorial practice using the example of the Student Centre Gallery (SC Gallery) in Zagreb from the beginning of 1970s to the present day. In addition to the definition and categorization of space, the article further shows the function and meaning of space within art and curatorial practice. Space is always connected with work of art (painting) - in two directions. The use and study of space is presented in chronological order with contemporary art forms (definition and dynamics). The article also explains the concept of „place“, its function in time, and its relation to space.


Space, place, conceptual art, curatorial practice, art intervention, contemporary art, student centre gallery, zagreb, croatia

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IDR: 144161082

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