Study of quality indicators, functional and technological properties of vegetable protein isolates

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Currently, in the world as a whole, solutions have been found to provide the population with cheap carbohydrates due to the mass production of cereals, root crops, as well as fats obtained from oilseeds. The current problem of hunger in some parts of the world is mostly related not to insufficient production of these products, but to their inefficient distribution. The intake of protein in the necessary quantities is required for the full functioning of the brain, immunity, a high level of performance and endurance. This article presents the results of determining the key functional and technological properties of soy, pea, sunflower and lupine protein isolates under various thermal conditions. Isolates of vegetable proteins produced in the Russian Federation were used as the studied samples. Sunflower isolate was inferior to soy and pea isolate in almost all parameters, surpassing pea protein only in its ability. This property gives sunflower protein isolate a competitive advantage over pea protein in those formulations where vegetable protein performs a stabilizing function. Lupin protein isolate had the worst functional and technological properties of all the studied protein preparations. Low moisture binding capacity and weak gelforming properties allow it to be used in formulations of meat sausages and semifinished products only in combination with other types of proteins (for example, soy), or with food additives. As a result, the protein content was determined, the presence of moisturebinding, fatbinding, fatemulsifying, gelforming abilities in the studied protein preparations was confirmed, a comparative analysis of the indicators was carried out, directions of use were proposed. All studied vegetable protein isolates have functional and technological properties that allow considering their use in formulations of meat sausages and semifinished products.


Protein isolate, functional and technological properties, moisture binding ability, fat binding ability, foaming ability

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305668   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2024-1-201-206

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