The study of the personal characteristics of students of a transport university that determine the effectiveness of adaptation processes in the increasingly complex conditions of professional activity

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The modern social order does not limit the requirements for the model characteristics of transport industry specialists to the criteria for the completeness of specialized knowledge and skills as part of universal and professional competencies, but also requires a formed focus on continuous replenishment of professional baggage, abilities for self-realization and self-development. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study the personal characteristics of students - future specialists in the transport industry - allowing optimal adaptation to the socio-technological conditions of professional activity. Multivariate analysis shows that the mechanisms of adaptation processes are due to the presence of the following characteristics: sthenicity; leadership; communication; technical and formula-digital thinking; prudence; mental abilities. Purposeful formation of the identified qualities is possible in the educational system of the university based on the integration of creative, sports, volunteer, social types of educational activities and professional and applied physical training within the framework of mastering the disciplines of physical culture and sports. A pilot study of the initial level of formation of personal characteristics that ensure the formation of adaptation mechanisms to the socio-technological conditions for the implementation of professional activities in transport has proved the need for the formation of these qualities in the educational system of the university. The study involved 3-4 year students of the Samara University of Communications (118 people).


Professional activity of transport industry specialists, adaptation, personal characteristics, educational activities, professionally applied physical training

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IDR: 148324710   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2022-24-85-17-22

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