Research of a problem of qualification validation and reskilling of migrants

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In this article authors have analysed the questions connected with globalization of economic space and the arising problems of migration of able-bodied citizens. The need to assess the conformity of the received skills and to recognise migrants’ skills in an expanding labor markets and reducing low-skilled personnel was revealed. Authors examined the professional standards’ merits in force in the territory of Russia, and revealed their shortcomings. They have defined that questions of verification of migrants qualification depend on national peculiarities of the host country and system of preparation of professional shots. It was found out that in Europe learning results obtained by different methods are recognized after the introduction of the system of education competence approach. They studied models of different systems of training and retraining of specialists, employed in different countries, based on their personal characteristics and validation of prior learning outcomes. Authors have come to the conclusion that, taking into account the specifics of Russian companies and the differences in the education system in Russia is inappropriate to apply the existing models developed by the international community. They justify the need for the creation of information and computer support for the evaluation process of competence formation. It was expressed the view that the definition of basic competences in the construction of learning paths is need. The synthesis of elements of competence “Know” was performed as example of a description of the individual graph construction. The view was expressed, that in the learning course formation its payback must be taken into account, in this connection, the authors proposed the integrated discipline assessment criterion in a hierarchical structure. The integrated criterion unites three groups of indicators of a course: consumer value, its requirement and resource intensity.


Migrant of high qualification, individual training trajectories, competence model of education, professional standards, validation of the results of prior learning, graph of forming competences trajectories, integrated criterion of discipline evaluation


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IDR: 14040608   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2016-2-274-279

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