The study of the pulse signals formation of the radial artery

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The article investigates the process of formation of peak pulse signal of the human radial artery in the approximation to the equivalent flat movement of structural elements of a biological object. Experimental results are obtained using a device with a piezoelectric transducer of pulse signal and tensoresistive sensor of pressing force to the areas of registration. The pelot device ’s diameter was (8 ± 0,1) mm. Analysis result showed that in the range of a clip to the surface area up to 2 H the length of the sections of the arteries, forming a pulse signal does not exceed 11 mm, which is within the zones dimensions adopted in the oriental medicine, and suggests the absence of mutual influence of pulse fluctuations of different zones of the radial artery at synchronous signal detection.


Pulse sensors, radial artery, pulse signal

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142142953

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