Origins of holiday culture of Lugansh region

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The article examines the history of the formation of the festive culture of the Lugansk region and gives a brief description of them. The author examines various rituals, traditions and mass celebrations that shaped the festive culture of this region and comes to the conclusion that the festive culture of the current Lugansk People's Republic is the result of a unique cultural and historical experience accumulated by society and has deep spiritual, cultural and patriotic significance. There are many cultures and traditions represented in the Lugansk region due to historical circumstances: the relatively late settlement of the region; cohabitation of different nationalities on the same territory - Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Poles, Greeks, Jews and many others; economic, cultural, everyday ties that led to a significant ethnocultural rapprochement of peoples. Examples are given of the fusion of fraternal Serbian culture with the traditions and holidays of the Don Cossacks: the Serbian Bozhich (carol at Christmas), and the general custom of the first guest of Christmas morning, and Easter, and transforming pagan holidays, rituals, such as Ivan Kupala, Maslenitsa; and many other common holidays and traditions. It is emphasized that for many nations, oral and intangible cultural heritage constitutes the main source of identification. One of the main types of intangible heritage is the culture of holidays.


Festive culture, traditions, rituals, lugansk region

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328467   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-94-88-93

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