The history of formation and development of the exhibition ensembles

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The article examines the history of the formation and development of the exhibition and exposition ensembles. Exhibition and Exposition ensemble as a cultural phenomenon affects virtually all social strata and is of great public importance, today it often becomes dominant and the effect of structural variability is sometimes the most accessible source of aesthetic and cognitive experience of modern man, a means of artistic and cultural education, and an integral part of social communication. In the early XX century, the prerequisites for a rethinking of the principles of exhibitions and expositions. This is, first of all, help change the perception of the viewer exposure, consistent with the spirit of time the concept of exposure and structuring architectural trends of interior and exterior, as well as directly exhibition practice. The author concludes that the general stylistic trends in architecture and art were an important factor contributing to the organization of the exhibition and exposition ensembles. Put to the forefront the principles of constructivism and functionalism has come to dominate the desire for simplicity and clarity.


History, formation, development, exhibition and exposition ensembles

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IDR: 14489922

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