Historical and cultural panorama of the Silver Age: key features and trends

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This article is an attempt to understand the historical and cultural environment in Russia in the late XIX - early XX century. The author gives evidence that the country in this period experienced a powerful spiritual surge, making a treasure trove of world culture enriched with great ideas embodied in the visual and plastic arts, literature, music, architecture. Turn of the century proved to be a favorable basis for the period, which later became known as the Silver Age. And although the era lasted a few decades, however, she gave a powerful impetus to the new trends and directions in art, theater, art, music, resurrected the ancient Russian icon, demonstrated the life and poetry of the melody. This time is also referred to as Russian cultural renaissance. At the end of the article the author lists the characteristics of the Silver Age.


Silver age, golden age, art, cultural renaissance, turn of the century, myth-making, mythological thinking, the religious world, game atmosphere, existential problems, a renaissance personality type, patronage, people-demiurge

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144161048

IDR: 144161048

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