Historical and cultural background to the Vhutemas (higher art and technical studios) and the Bauhaus (higher school of construction and artistic design): a comparative analysis

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The article deals with the first schools of industrial design - VHUTEMAS (Higher Art and Technical Studios) and Bauhaus (Higher School of Construction and artistic design). The historical, cultural preconditions of schools and their structures are analyzed in the article. A similar story of creation and the main objectives and tasks assigned to the activities of VHUTEMAS and Bauhaus was established and developed. Special attention is paid not to description of artistic pedagogical system or creative activities of schools, but to social and cultural changes in Russia and Germany in the first third of the XX century that influenced the formation of a new approach in artistic creation. The purpose was to train artists in line with production requirements. Educational institutions have appeared as a phenomenon of Soviet and German art and culture, where objective methods of simulation and training of industrial artists were formed.


Немецкая художественная культура первой трети xx века, the german art culture of the first third of xx century, советская художественная культура первой трети xx века, the soviet artistic culture of the first third of the xx century, design, architecture, education in the field of culture, art education reform, vhutemas (higher art and technical studios), bauhaus (higher school of construction and artistic design)


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160378

IDR: 144160378

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