Italian reminiscences in Zaytsev’ memoirs “Moskva” and “Dalekoe”

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The article is devoted to the research of Italian reminiscences in Zaytsev’s memoirs “Moskva” and “Dalekoe”. The article shows the favorite theme of the writer - Italy and its art, especially the creative work of Dante and Petrarch. Through their fates he reviews the theme of his own exile. On the ground of Bachtin’ theory of “chuzhoe slovo” the author of the article singles out allusions, quotations etc., connected with the creative legacy of the greatest Italian artists. The study compliments the overall picture of the poetics of Zaytsev’ memoirs.

Poetics, writer, reminiscence, quotation, allusion, culture, emigration, author, narration, memoirs, "chuzhoe slovo"

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IDR: 148101607

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