Changes in the psychological status of highly qualified athletes in the process of pre-competitive training in beach volleyball

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The relevance of this study is explained by two factors: firstly, the problems of psychological training of high-class athletes are the least developed among the various types of training in beach volleyball, and secondly, the progress in the pre-competitive training of highly qualified representatives of beach volleyball is associated by many scientists and specialists with an increase in their mental status, since the reserves in other types of training are almost completely involved. It was revealed that at the beginning of the training program, the adaptive potential of the subjects was low, emotional stability - at the average level, with a predominance of self-confidence and motivation indicators, risk readiness at the average level, reflecting the athletes ' orientation to minimal mistakes in their activities and a harmonious ratio of avoiding failures with a willingness to achieve success. Indicators of self-assessment of mental states according to G. Eysenck are low, which shows a favorable state. The final testing conducted at the end of the pre-competition preparation allowed us to determine changes in the level of the psychological status of the subjects. Research aim is to identify pre-competitive changes in the psychological status of highly qualified athletes in beach volleyball in order to develop recommendations for improving the quality of the training process at the stage of direct preparation for important tournaments. Research methods. To achieve the goal of the study, such methods as the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical experiment, psychological testing, mathematical statistics were used. Conclusion. The parameters of the psychological status (external and internal motivation for training) of high-class athletes in beach volleyball, which revealed the greatest statistically significant improvements, should be used in the process of monitoring the level of their noise immunity and competitiveness at the stages of pre-com-petition training.


Beach volleyball, highly qualified athletes, psychological training

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IDR: 142226861

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