The efficiency of microbiological additives in pregnant dry cows’ diets

Автор: Morozova L.A., Mikolaychik I.N., Abileva G.W., Subbotina N.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 10, 2016 года.

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In modern conditions of industrial technology of maintaining cattle breeding microbiological load of animals’ organisms considerably raised. Rapid development and virulence of bacteria, viruses and their resistance to antibiotics, the appearance of new strains of microorganisms result in self-regulation of intestinal- microbiocenosis. As a re-sult of conventional pathogenic microflora intestinal balance scar metabolizm, nutrient digestibility, physiological state and productivity of animals are generally disturbed. In this regard a promising di-rection for improving the system of feeding of high-ly productive cows is using of probiotic microbial additives, prebiotic and symbiotic action. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of probi-otic supplements ‘Laktur’, prebiotic supplements ‘Asid Lak’ and their complex use of physiological state and productive indicators of pregnant dry cows of black-motley breed. The studies showed that the introduction to the diet of pregnant dry cows of the third test group, three weeks before calving, the probiotic additive ‘Laktur’ in the amount of 2 kg / t and prebiotic supplements ‘Asid Lak’ in the amount of 3 kg / t by the weight of concentrat-ed feed contributed to activization of metabolic processes in their bodies. As a result of research-es it was established that introduction to diets of pregnant dry cows of the 3rd experimental group in three weeks prior to delivery of a probiotic addi-tive ‘Laktur’ in the number of 2 kg/t and a prebiotic additive ‘Asid Lak’in number of 3 kg/t from the mass of the concentrated forages promoted activization of exchange processes in their organ-ism. Thus according to the number of erythrocytes growth to 8.78% (P


Dry cows in calf, probiotic, prebiotic, symbiotic, diet, hematology, milk productivity

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IDR: 14084515

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