The efficiency of complex use of medical ozone and gravitational therapy in the treatment of elderly patients with atherosclerosis obliterans of lower extremity arteries stage II

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The article presents the study of clinical manifestations and disorders of lipid metabolism in 70 elderly patients with atherosclerosis obliterans of lower extremity arteries of II stage before and after application of combined therapy including ozonated physiological saline solution and gravitational therapy. The patients were divided into three groups. The first group (n = 20) received only standard medical therapy, the second group (n = 25) had complex therapy that included parenteral administration of ozonated physiological saline solution, the third group (n = 25) apart from standard medical therapy also received parenteral administration of ozonated physiological saline solution and gravitational therapy. As a result, the conducted study revealed that the observed patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of II stage showed significant violations of lipid metabolism. Combined use of intravenous ozonated physiological saline solution and gravitational therapy in the complex treatment of elderly patients with obliterating atherosclerosis has a significant impact on the correction of lipid metabolism and effectively improves clinical outcomes.


Obliterating atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism, ozonotherapy, gravitational therapy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148102273

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