The event marketing effectiveness in higher education

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The article briefly overviews the event marketing development and its use in higher education institutions. The author reflects the research results of Russian and foreign scientists on event marketing in higher education, specifies the key directions of event marketing activities in higher education, and identifies the problems of its use. The study made it possible to understand the students' awareness about university events, their impressions after visit and evaluation of their effectiveness. The study involved 100 third year students of the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations, who studying full-time and part-time. The weak awareness of respondents about the events, the lack of festive university-wide events for students, faculty and staff of the university are among the key problem of event marketing in higher education. We can also note the lack of a clear target orientation of event events, which reduces the effectiveness of their implementation.


Event marketing, event university, event, research, event industry, event effectiveness

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IDR: 140304735   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11224540

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