Eco-design of energy-efficient architecture. Analysis of the main directions and trends of high-rise construction

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Modern high-rise buildings of the XXI century. These are high-technology, "smart" and large-scale objects with high energy consumption, architectural images associated with the use of energy-efficient solutions affecting molding, complex surface design, individual space-planning solutions. The desire to create energy-efficient bioclimatic (climate-sensitive) buildings with zero energy consumption and a closed life-support cycle is the main menstrim in the design of high-rise buildings. The examples considered in the article illustrate a wide range of solutions and methods in high-rise construction. The choice of energy-efficient solutions in each high-rise building is caused by a large number of factors, such as: landscape and climatic conditions and ecology, urban context, positioning of the region in the global economic space and national self-identification. Implemented by architects and engineers, innovative technological solutions form a "green" eco-design directly influencing the search for non-traditional forms of architectural images of high-rise buildings, transforming the structure of high-rise buildings. Some scientists have already used the name "greenscraper" (green skyscraper), indicating a typological transformation. The result of the transformation is the architecture of the new aesthetics, based on environmentally friendly design features, buildings of outstanding architecture that will stand the test of time. CTBUH and high-rise buildings of world-famous architectural bureaus.


High-rise construction, energy-efficient bioclimatic architecture, space-planning solutions, vertical landscaping

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IDR: 148314266

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