Experimental validation of polygraph test to identify the way a person obtains the first information about the event

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Introduction. Due to the high importance of solving practical tasks aimed at identifying a person’s awareness about a crime, it becomes relevant to determine the circumstances in which a person received the first information about the event of crime. A person’s awareness is understood as a component of his/her experience, and research with the use of polygraph - as a method of psychological diagnostics of a person’s individual experience. The authors propose the structure of stimuli ("polygraph tests"), which makes it possible to reveal the circumstances (time, place, source, method) of obtaining by a person the first information about the occurred event, and carry out the procedure of pragmatic validation of these tests.


Polygraph, experience, awareness, test, way to obtain the first information about the event

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149145669

IDR: 149145669   |   DOI: 10.24412/1999-6241-2024-297-184-189

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