Electrophysiological evaluation of sheep with different level of nonspecific immunity

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In modern animal husbandry, and in particular in sheep breeding, production technologies must meet the biological characteristics of the animal organism. However, farms often suffer economic losses as a result of a violation of this equilibrium, which is due primarily to a decrease in the immunobiological status of animals. The object of the study was the young of the North Caucasian, Romanov breeds. Localization and numbering of sheep swimmers were adopted by Mamaev A.V., Samusenko L.D. (2015). PLBATS were selected for the research №№ 13, 15, 64, 65, 80. In the course of our research, we found that blood parameters forming the immunological status of animals are interrelated with the level of biopotential of the PLBAC. This can serve as a basis for developing methods for assessing the functional state of the animal organism under different technological loads


Mutton, the level of bioelectrical potential, surface localized biologically active sites, blood counts

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147238694

IDR: 147238694

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