Embryonic fruitfulness of Saperavi grapes with different bush shapes

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The purpose of the study is to determine the formation of embryonic inflorescences in the central buds of wintering buds of the Saperavi grape variety under the influence of various bush forms. The study was carried out in the Black Sea viticulture zone of the Krasnodar Region (Starotitarovskaya village, Temryuk District) in 2022. The objects of the study were shoots of the Saperavi grape variety, harvested during a period of deep physiological dormancy from grape bushes of different shapes. The embryonic coefficient of fruiting of the central buds of wintering buds was determined; the influence of bush shape on the death of buds, embryonic fertility and the percentage of buds with two inflorescences was assessed; recommendations were given on the rate of load of bushes with buds and the length of pruning for the 2023 harvest. It was noted that the shape of the bush does not affect the percentage of bud death of the Saperavi grape variety. When forming a bush with a spiral cordon with free placement of growth, the best indicators are achieved in terms of fruiting coefficient (1.61) and the percentage of buds with two inflorescences (48.5 %), which is 23 and 20 % higher than with a low-standard formation with vertical growth, respectively. Based on the data obtained, for the formation of a spiral cordon with free placement of growth, it is recommended to prune into fruit links with a fruit arrow length of 5-6 buds, knot restoration 3 buds with a load of 38-40 buds per bush to obtain a yield of 100 c/ha. To form a low-standard cordon with vertical growth to obtain a yield of 100 c/ha, it is necessary to cut the fruit shoot by 6-7 buds, the restoration knot by 3 buds with a load of 46-48 buds per bush.


Grapes, embryonic fertility, bush shape

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304249

IDR: 140304249   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2023-11-42-48

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