Ethno-intonational education of the choirmaster of the training direction 53.03.04 "The art of folk singing" by means of choral solfeggio

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The content of the article analyzes the problem of formation and development of ethnointonational skills and abilities of students in the area of training 53.03.04 "The Art of Folk Singing" through the multi-genre songs of the South of Russia in the framework of the discipline "Choral solfege". Inclusion in the didactic material of the song folklore of the Belgorod region using analytical cards, audio recordings of folk performers will allow students to master the specifics of folklore sound formation, vocal and performing skills, intonational expressiveness of singing. Features of folk formations of the Belgorod region contribute to the intonation-auditory training of students, the development of their musical hearing, rhythmic sensations and musical memory.


Discipline "choral solfeggio", modal structure, type of musical thinking

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IDR: 148312938

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