Ethnocraniological indicators in context with the ancient Turkic language and Tengrianism on the ancient ancestral Kazakh land

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The article is the first time of considering of the general ethnocraniological indicators in the context of the ancient Turkic language and Tengrianism in Kazakhstan. Correlation of data from different scientific areas in reality, each in its own way and taken together, reveal in the broadest aspects the depth and integrity of the ethno-historical sources of the formation and development of the Kazakh people. This long and thorny path of development of the Kazakh people and their ancestors was about forty centuries. At the same time, the formation of the main part of local tribes largely concerned the territory of Kazakhstan under consideration, where the physical appearance, ethnocultural community and ideological basis of the Kazakh people were continuously formed on the basis of ancient autochthonous inhabitants with the participation of alien populations from the more eastern regions of Central Asia.


Ethnocraniological indicators, ancient turkic language, tengrianism, kazakh people, kazakhstan

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148314398   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-74-98-107

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