Ethnomusical heritage of folklore ensemble of Afanasevka village of Alexeevo district of Belgorod region: to the problem of development

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In this article attempts to identify, organize and analyze materials on the authentic team Afanas'evka village Alekseevsky district Belgorod region - brown shel-zhine song-singing southern Russian folk musical style (historiography of the team, publications about him, the genre composition of songs, the specificity of vocalizations, the artistic heritage); the permanent head of the folk ensemble for nearly 60 years, talented organiza-jam, singer, a true scholar and connoisseur of old Russian songs - Yefim Tarasovich in Sapelkina (2.09.1917 - 6.06.2002).

Household singing ensemble of afanasevka village, alekseevsky district, belgorod region, singing art, performance, creative heritage, musical stylistics of local singing tradition

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