A. P. Chekhov's poetics evolution in "unhappy love affair" plots in 1887: characters and event types

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In the article three short stories by A. P. Chekhov are studied in plot and anthropology aspects. Some changes in the event models are established here: a scene in «Polinka» is replaced by an unsuccessful rendezvous in «Verochka», and then we find out a life with no events in «The Story of Ms NN». Time and space are extending, semantic structure of event becomes complicated. In the first short story, a date-centric plot is tied with the local place (fancy goods at the store) and it takes a short time equal to the situation of unhappy rendez-vous. In the second short story time and space are continual, so the characters are free to move and act and their psychological state is explained in details. The third short story investigates romantic failure that ends up beng extended for a good part of the characters' lives. The plot time is about 10 years, and it is divided into summer time that is happy and full of great expectations, and dull and hopeless winter time. Space structure of fictional reality is also polar: rural space provokes inspiration while urban space is connected with groove feelings. Thus, an existential conception of man's fate is being worked out. Chekov's literary anthropology states the increasing influence of biological and psychology factors. The role behavior of characters in «Polinka» is displaced by individual psychology in «Verochka» and «The Story of Ms NN». A character pattern is getting alike Chekhov's existence model.


Event, lot, literary аnthropology, character

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IDR: 147219519

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